Making You The Best Mother You Can Be

Get on your course today

What Comes in This

Signature Parenting Course?

Food Fundamentals

The Food Your Child is Eating is Embarrassing You!

That’s why you need the Food Fundamentals unit You get practical ways to foster a really positive family attitude to eating, cooking and food in your home, so you can get on with working on your career.

Screening Screen Time

You Know You are Using Screens as a Babysitter!

Taking Screen Time apart… the Screening Screen Time unit. Every day we hear or read about screen time and children. One day it is good, another day it is bad. How does a strategy sound, that works, for ‘screen time’ that you do not have to police and give in to, in the end? Because, like it or not, screens are not going away and we can’t just ignore them; much better to get them working for you and your children.

Rewarding Your Rewards

Promising ice cream to get a child to go swimming...

The Rewarding Your Rewards unit is to your rescue! You will get a system of rewards that your child will appreciate, learn from and they are involved in. Instead of feeling like you are back at school, yourself, doing your homework with charts and stickers, you create the space to pursue your non-parenting projects.

Schoolwork Homework

School. Home. School Holidays. Rinse. Repeat. A Child's One Life!

The Schoolwork Homework unit. Schoolwork and homework are age old dilemmas. When you are deliberating on how to approach it all, what are you not doing about your career? Start your children off right on their approach to school and homework even if you have no (I mean no) teaching experience.

Online workshops included

Sylvia Denham

My name is Sylvia Denham and I have been helping parents and children for over 30 years (not-forgetting my own 17-year-old twins). Those processes are timeless working for me, my parents and their children every time. This is what a parent has said – “…Thank you so much for your excellent advice, Sylvia, regarding help for my daughter who was struggling at school. I am now armed with simple and straight forward talking, I have a great plan!…”

Sylvia is putting on courses for mums. She has two amazing boys and she has invaluable resources to offer to parents. I have been so amazed as I have watched her overcome parenting challenges. She is quite something.
Soula Poku
Sylvia has been an excellent tutor to my daughter when she was preparing for GCSE's, a year ago, and she has not only directed my daughter but has also instilled confidence in her ability to achieve the best grade she can in Maths GSCE. My daughter finds her very easy to work with and exceptionally knowledgeable and very patient as a tutor.
Manny Gabri
Resilience Coach
Speaking as a parent [regarding the course], we really liked the motivational slant – the ‘I did it, so can you’ inspiration. The picture messaging is upbeat and encouraging. The pragmatic section on ‘domestics’ is very helpful and although not glamorous, reflects reality and important!
Allister Sheffield
Deputy Head - Sherborne School

For more testimonials click here:

Additional 3 FREE Pre-sessions


Total Savings Value – £400

Θ  Pre-course Session – 1hr ~ Monday 5th May 2025 – 13:30

Θ  Pre-course Webinar1hr ~ Monday 12th May 2025 – 13:30

Θ  Pre-course Webinar – 1hr ~ Monday 19th May 2025 – 13:30

Θ  Pre-course Interactive Session – 1hr ~ Mon 26th May 2025 – 13:30

12-week online course starting on Monday 2nd June 2025

Very simple & Sensible Pace

Weekly sessions and workshops (approximately 1hr p/week)

Incorporates your self-development

Simple Processes

